Swimming Pool Leak Detecton
When enjoying your pool during the summer months with your family, you want to make sure everything is working correctly; you might want to consider if you need a swimming pool leak detection company, like us. Of course, regular pool maintenance is a requirement for cleanness and chlorine levels, and a hidden pool leak can cost homeowners hundreds of dollars if undetected for an extended period. The next time your pool service professional comes over, ask them to be on the lookout for any pool leaks.
Some people might think they have a pool leak because the water level is low consistently. This might not be the case depending upon many environmental factors, including wind, sun exposure, and humidity. These factors alone can lower the water level in your pool without any pool use at all.
One way to know if you have a pool leak is if you notice that the area around your pool is always wet. It might be a patch of grass or even water that comes up from under the concrete areas surrounding the pool. The latter type of leak is usually severe, and if you're losing an inch or two of water per day with these symptoms, you might have a pool leak.
If you think your pool is leaking, give Prime Leak Detection a call, and we can take care of everything for you.
Brentwood leaders discuss pool repairs
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